Homecoming Week starts Monday with Valentines Day!
1 day ago, Joshua Stern
The Deckerville bands would like to invite any alumni of the band or current staff who can play an instrument to play with us during pre-game (National Anthem/School Song) and in the stands (pep band music) during the homecoming game. If you are interested, please fill out the google forms from the link below by Monday, Oct. 7th. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. B at (810) 376-3615 ex. 127, or
jbelkiewicz@deckerville.k12.mi.us Thank you.
https://forms.gle/znUMYrP8G683rvLi7 2 days ago, Jesse Belkiewicz
POSITION OPENING - Cook - Hours: 4 Hours/Day - 8:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. - Rate: $14.11/Hr - Start Date: As soon as possible. Position contingent on successful completion and passing of Serv-Safe online course or possession of Serv-Safe certificate. Interested applicants are to apply in writing to: Deckerville Community Schools, Laura Vogel, Food Service Director, 2633 Black River Street, Deckerville, MI 48427 - Email:
lvogel@deckerville.k12.mi.us Please submit your letter of application to Laura Vogel by noon on Tuesday, October 8, 2024.
12 days ago, Lisa Fritch
JV Football against Mayville on Wednesday 9/25 has been canceled.
12 days ago, Monica Warczinsky
JH Volleyball will start at 6:30 pm this evening.
19 days ago, Monica Warczinsky
The student council has decided that this year we will be having separate junior high and high school dances. The homecoming dance on October 11 will be for students in grades 9-12. A Halloween dance will be held for the 7th and 8th grade students on October 25.
20 days ago, Joshua Stern
September 11, 2024
Good Evening Deckerville Eagle families,
After school today, Deckerville school administration was notified of a concerning social media post. Law enforcement was immediately notified and an investigation was completed. As a result of the investigation, the Deckerville Police Department has determined the threat is not credible. In addition, the Deckerville PD stated, based on the investigation, there is not a threat to our school community or to the safety of our students and staff.
Deckerville Schools will be in session tomorrow. We will have law enforcement presence on our campus throughout the day, including morning drop off and afternoon dismissal.
We are grateful for the relationship we have with our students and this community. Students and parents shared this concern with administrators and staff and it was quickly investigated. We appreciate the conversations you have had with your child/children regarding these types of incidences scenarios, and helping them understand that if you see something, say something. We are a team.
Matthew Connelly, Superintendent
Deckerville Community Schools
24 days ago, Matt Connelly
Owengage has dropped out of the JH Volleyball season leaving out 7/8gr girls minus 2 games. The 9/18 and 10/14 games are cancelled. Our 7/8gr VB teams were invited to make up those two lost games on a Saturday tournament in Mayville on 9/21. Details to follow.
25 days ago, Monica Warczinsky
2023-2024 Yearbooks are here and for sale! Cost is $50. Contact Mrs. Pavlovics to purchase.
30 days ago, Joshua Stern
The Boys Basketball Team is hosting a Golf Scramble Fundraiser at Woodland Hills in Sandusky on Saturday September 28th. $80ea/$320 team. Deadline for Registration Sept 21st. Please contact Stephen Gobie Jr. for details via Messenger.
about 1 month ago, Monica Warczinsky
about 1 month ago, Monica Warczinsky
September 3, 2024 - JH & HS Math Teacher - 7th/ 8th Grade Math and Geometry -
Interested candidates are to contact: Mr. Josh Stern, High School Principal, Deckerville Community Schools, 2633 Black River Street, Deckerville, MI 48427 - Phone: 810-376-9785, E-mail:
jstern@deckerville.k12.mi.us, Fax: 810-376-3115 - The deadline for application is until filled.
about 1 month ago, Lisa Fritch
Paraprofessional Position Opening - 5.83 Hours per day/5 days per week - Jr. High/High School - Must have 60 semester hours of college, or an Associate’s Degree or
position is contingent on successful completion and passing of the Basic Skills Test, or
MTTC- Michigan Teacher Certification - Interested applicants are to apply in writing to:
Mr. Joshua Stern, High School Principal, 2633 Black River Street, Deckerville, MI 48427
(810)-376-3615 - Email:
jstern@deckerville.k12.mi.us - Please submit your letter of application by noon on Thursday, August 29, 2024.
about 1 month ago, Lisa Fritch
Coaching Positions - The following coaching positions are open: (1) JV Boys Basketball Coach; (1) 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach; (1) 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach; (1) 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach. Applicants are to apply in writing to: Monica Spranger, Athletic Director, Deckerville Community Schools, 2633 Black River St., Deckerville, MI 48427 - (810) 376-3875 - email:
mspranger@deckerville.k12.mi.us - Deadline for applications are: Until positions are filled.
about 1 month ago, Lisa Fritch
Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom
announcements in the Deckerville app! With the addition of
Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/
guardians check your email with instructions to sign up and
access new features.
Download for Android
Download for iPhone
https://apple.co/3et8ltL about 2 months ago, Deckerville Community Schools
Back to School Updates:
about 2 months ago, Monica Warczinsky
August 12, 2024
Dear Students and Parents,
The beginning of the school year is fast approaching! We will begin school on Monday, August 26, 2024 with a full day of school. The school day begins at 8 A.M. and ends at 3 P.M. Schedules should be available on Skyward by Tuesday, August 20, if not sooner. Career Center students will be attending Career Center on the first day of school.
If you are going into 7th grade please do not forget about orientation on Wednesday, August 21 at 2 P.M. All incoming 9th grade students have orientation at 4 P.M. We ask that a parent or guardian attend the orientation with the students.
A few reminders for the beginning of the school year: Hats should not be worn in the building at any time (Exception: Hat Days). Deckerville is a closed campus. Students are not allowed to leave without permission from the office and a parent. Energy drinks of any kind are not permitted in the school. People under 18 should not consume these products at any time. Be aware of the dress code as stated in the student handbook. Students who violate the dress code will be asked to change clothes and may be sent home. Phones, earbuds, and smart watches are to be kept in lockers. Phones found on a student will be confiscated as explained in the student handbook. Other devices such as smart watches and earbuds are also not permitted in classrooms. Students are required to attend school all day in order to attend any after school activities. Disrespect for staff will not be tolerated. Students returning to school from the career center will not be allowed to leave the building to go out to their vehicles. Students will need to bring their items into the school in the morning before getting on the career center bus. New For the 24-25 school year - students who amass 20 tardies in a semester will be required to turn their phone into the office on a daily basis until the conclusion of the semester.
During the 2024-2025 school year, the junior high and high school students will take their first semester exams before the holiday break. Students will be taking exams on December 18 and 19. The annual holiday talent show will take place on December 20. The semester will end as normal; however, the students will take their exams before the break in hopes of increased academic success. We hope that you will ensure that your student is at school on these days.
Homecoming will be the week of September 23 commencing with the football game against Mayville on Friday, September 27 at 7 P.M.
The entire staff is looking forward to a great school year!
about 2 months ago, Joshua Stern
Eagle Families,
Please see the attached flyer for the school supply give away on August 21. This is also our Elementary Open House day as well! We are excited to greet our families for another amazing school year!
about 2 months ago, Aaron Sutherland
(2) Coaching position openings: (1) JV Football Assistant Coach; (1) 7th Grade Girls Volleyball Coach. Interested applicants are to apply in writing to: Monica Spranger, Athletic Director, Deckerville Community School, 2633 Black River Street, Deckerville, MI 48427; Email:
mspranger@deckerville.k12.mi.us - Phone # 810-376-3875. Deadline is noon on July 18, 2024.
3 months ago, Lisa Fritch
3 months ago, Rustin Murdock